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About Us

Since 2012, Naturalice has stood for exceptional quality in the sustainable and ecological production of alpaca wool bedware, always prioritizing animal welfare. As a family business, we operate our own alpaca farm in a picturesque, historically protected Flemish area, where our premium alpaca wool products are crafted with care and tradition.

Our alpacas enjoy organically maintained pastures without artificial fertilizers or pesticides, with year-round access to stables and meadows. Their well-being is further ensured with nutritionally balanced feed, specially mixed to meet their unique needs.

Each spring, our alpacas are shorn, and their wool is hand-sorted, washed, combed, and transformed into luxurious bedding using the finest cotton cloth. We collaborate with trusted family businesses with extensive expertise in producing high-quality bedding.

Our farm is also home to nandus, echoing the natural mixed herds of Chile and Peru, where alpacas and nandus live peacefully together, providing mutual protection and creating a unique and harmonious environment.

Our Mission

At Naturalice, our mission is to help you achieve natural, restorative sleep through a holistic approach that nurtures the mind, body, and environment.

We combine personalized sleep coaching, ergonomic natural bedware, and the therapeutic calm of our alpaca farm to create a comprehensive Sleep Well Programme. Our expert guidance, high-quality products, and serene retreat offer everything you need to relax, reset, and enjoy deep, rejuvenating sleep.

Wake up refreshed and embrace a healthier, happier life with Naturalice!

Artisanat en laine d’alpaga - Savoir-faire traditionnel | Ambacht met alpacawol - Traditioneel vakmanschap | Alpaca wool craftsmanship - Traditional expertise.

Naturally Crafted

Alpagas élevées dans le respect du bien-être animal | Alpaca’s opgevoed met respect voor dierenwelzijn | Alpacas raised with respect for animal welfare.

Kindness to Animals

Engagement pour la durabilité et la préservation de la nature | Toewijding aan duurzaamheid en natuurbehoud | Commitment to sustainability and nature conservation.

Harmony with Nature

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